The Taurus Full Moon occurs when the Moon in Taurus opposes the Sun in Scorpio, creating a 180 degree angle and a tension between the conscious mind (Sun) and the emotional instinctive reactions (Moon), and the challenging square of both luminaries to Mars will definitely spice up the Full Moon!
Mars is in Leo now, where the role of personal development is emphasized, and the Full Moon occurs in the sign of Taurus. Taurus is focused on stability and physical security, as well as the peace and serenity that comes from a life that is full of contentment and material gifts. This Full Moon could highlight any areas of our life where our personal ego gets in the way of our ability to achieve comfort in our lives, but will also help to energize us to fulfill the dreams of the Full Moon.
Any lunation, or lunar event, encompasses all of the planetary combinations that occur at the time of the event. Taurus's ruler Venus, the planet of love and beauty as well as harmony and peace forms a harmonious trine to Neptune on the day of the Full Moon. This harmonious dance between the planet of spirituality (Neptune) and the goddess of love helps to wrap our experience in a veil of magic and conscious awareness which helps us to utilize the energy of Mars in a more productive way.
Of course the approaching square from Saturn to Pluto is also a part of the lunation, adding a touch of darkness to the event and a requirement that we not forget that death is at our door while we celebrate at the party of pleasure. Humans are the only species with an awareness of death, and this more than anything is what inspires us to greater spiritual wisdom.
(via beliefnet)